Monday, October 24, 2011

Chick Play

Chick Wrangling!Spring Chickens...Scratching for chicken FeedOhhh! TAIL Feathers!Sweet ChickSpring Peeps!
Chick Play, a set on Flickr.
Chicks need room to grow and they grow fast. So before you start scratching your head wondering what to do next when the Fluff-Ball-Flock has outgrown your brooder at 2 to 3 weeks old...
 I first used an old wood paneled dog pen, keeping a EAGLE-eye out for hawks.

Play Time 
Chicks are insatiably curious - after the first week or two, they can be put outside for short periods of time if the temperature is warm. They MUST be watched at this age, however. Chicks can move fast, squeeze into small spaces, and are helpless against a variety of predators, including the family dog or cat. If they have bonded to you (the first large thing a baby chicks sees is forever it's 'mama', this is called "imprinting"), they will follow you around. Chickens become fond of their owners; some will come when you call them (and some won't!).

IF, I raise a new batch of chicks, I would consider this CHICK PLAY Pen and is everything I needed to allow the chicks to play and learn to scour for insects...
"Chicks need room to grow and they grow fast. Let your chickens pick up weeds and bugs anywhere you need it. This playpen offers great construction and allows safe temporary enclosure for chicks, pullets, hens and can be helpful in introducing new fowl to the flock."

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